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Tax dollars now promoting Gov. Inslee signature legislative bill

Climate change activist at protest in 2021

Washington Governor Jay Inslee has begun a public relations campaign using tax money to promote payment of government projects connected to his 2021 law, The Climate Commitment Act, according to a free-market watch dog at The Washington Policy Center.

“The Governor’s office has set up,” says Todd Myers, the environmental policy director at The Washington Policy Center, a requirement for cities or other jurisdictions to “to include the language…talking about how great it is whenever they do a project that is funded by the CCA (Climate Commitment Act).”

To hear the KVI John Carlson Show interview with Myers, click the play button below.

Myers says this public relations campaign with tax money to tout the CCA is ethically questionable because of the November 2024 statewide vote on I-2117. On the November 5th general election ballot, Washington voters will decide on I-2117 which would keep or reject a portion of the CCA known as the “cap and invest” carbon fuel emissions permit auction that fossil fuel sellers must pay as a provision of emitting CO2 in Washington. The carbon fuel emission permit auction is done quarterly and critics are saying it has significantly raised the price of gasoline, diesel fuel and natural gas prices across the state since the auction law went into effect in January 2023.

The sweeping CCA has been described as a signature legislative achievement by Inslee who has advocated for climate change laws to reduce carbon-dioxide emissions.




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